[wdte-devel] Status
José Fernandes
2005-01-09 19:30:24 UTC
Hey, hello.

First all, the seems to be a problem with
http://wdte.sourceforge.net/wiki/, the output is kinda trashed...

Well, I'm looking for a good development environment to work on my
HTML, Javascript, PHP, Smarty Templates, JSP, whatever i need to,
files. Eclipse, itself, is perfect for the job, it has great CVS and
Ant integration, i already have a fine, not perfect PHP and HTML
editor, however, as i look more deep in the choices, i can't find a
Free Licensed integrated solution. All i find are dispersed, not so
perfect syntax highlight editors.

Here one or other feature i would like to see:
- CSS live editor. Like that in the webdeveloper extension to
firefox(http://www.chrispederick.com/work/firefox/webdeveloper/). One
changes a property in the css text editor and see the result right
away in the browser window.
- HTML live editor, not WYSIWYG, it would work like the CSS live editor.
- CSS, HTML, XHTML, Javascript Validation
- A browser window where i could select HTML components and, at the
same time, jump to the corresponding HTML, PHP, JSP, even Javascript
or CSS, file. (I would right click in the desired component and
choose, "Jump to HTML" or "Edit CSS property in xpto.css".
- A smarty (http://smarty.php.net/) editor (its like JSF technology,
but for php), where, in the hypothesis I'm iterating over an Array of
people, i could make a phony, test, array, with some data, just to
preview the page in a browser window. The same could be made to a JSF
editor (honestly i've never worked with JSF, so i don't know if this
is plausible or even adequate).
- A Javascript repository, where i could sort my scripts into
Categories and, by request, add them to my projects.
- Etc

I'm not so naive to believe that this tools will be made for me,
that's why i'm joining this effort, or at least thinking to make one
or other individual contribution. I'm not an experienced developer,
just an university student who likes to learn and do useful stuff. I'm
kinda newby in this OpenSource world, not very experienced programmer
so i might take time to do things right.

However i must know if this will work. Knowing that the last message
to this list dates 2004-06-02 gets me a little concerned. If this
project is dead, i would better start my own project, based on one or
another already crafted editor, adapting it to my needs. I really
don't know if i would succeed...

So, is this worth? What is there for me to be useful?

Thanks for your replies (And mind my lame portuguese-english)
Igor Malinin
2005-01-11 15:23:32 UTC
Post by José Fernandes
First all, the seems to be a problem with
http://wdte.sourceforge.net/wiki/, the output is kinda trashed...
Hmm... I always disliked wikis and it is the reason. Just one day after
it was fixed and it is spammed again. I would like to remove it
completely from the site, nobody maintains it anyway... Christopher and
Alex, what do you think about that?
Post by José Fernandes
Well, I'm looking for a good development environment to work on my
HTML, Javascript, PHP, Smarty Templates, JSP, whatever i need to,
Free Licensed integrated solution. All i find are dispersed, not so
perfect syntax highlight editors.
Highlighting gives most value for the price of implementing it. Other
features are too complex to be implemented fast by a single developer.
It is the reason most editors provide only syntax highlighting...

There is a project started by Eclipse Foundation called WebTools
Platform Project (http://www.eclipse.org/webtools/index.html). It has
basic HTML/XHTML/XML/CSS plus J2EE tools. If you want something as a
base for your project I would suggest you to join to that project in
areas where it is appropriate (you have many ideas that are on-topic for
WebTools project and you have chances to contribute directly to the
project). For thing that are out of scope of WebTools project you are
free to contribute to whathewer existing project on SourceForge
including WDTE or start your own project.
Post by José Fernandes
I'm not so naive to believe that this tools will be made for me,
that's why i'm joining this effort, or at least thinking to make one
or other individual contribution. I'm not an experienced developer,
just an university student who likes to learn and do useful stuff. I'm
kinda newby in this OpenSource world, not very experienced programmer
so i might take time to do things right.
You can still talk here about your ideas - here are people that have
some experience in development of CSS/JavaScript/HTML/XML editors that
have much ideas too.

And you can talk to eclipse.webtools newsgroup on news.eclipse.org (you
need an account on eclipse.org to access newsgroups).
Post by José Fernandes
However i must know if this will work. Knowing that the last message
to this list dates 2004-06-02 gets me a little concerned. If this
project is dead, i would better start my own project, based on one or
another already crafted editor, adapting it to my needs. I really
don't know if i would succeed...
I would call this project dead for the moment. I don't know if Alex or
Christopher are going to do something more for the project. But my IMHO
- nobody wants to reinvent the wheel - Eclipse WebTools project already
has much more than we have. But if you can do something useful that
extends Eclipse WebTools then I think anybody here will accept your
contribution to WDTE project.
Post by José Fernandes
So, is this worth? What is there for me to be useful?
Thank you for interest. I hope my reply was useful to you. Don't
hesitate to ask if you have more questions. And nice to see your
contribution for this project someday :)
Christopher Lenz
2005-01-15 22:23:05 UTC
Post by Igor Malinin
Post by José Fernandes
First all, the seems to be a problem with
http://wdte.sourceforge.net/wiki/, the output is kinda trashed...
Hmm... I always disliked wikis and it is the reason. Just one day after
it was fixed and it is spammed again. I would like to remove it
completely from the site, nobody maintains it anyway... Christopher and
Alex, what do you think about that?
Yeah, the wiki-spam problem has gotten too horrendous lately, and it's
even worse for "dead" projects. I'll simply chmod the wiki stuff, and
remove the link.
Post by Igor Malinin
Post by José Fernandes
However i must know if this will work. Knowing that the last message
to this list dates 2004-06-02 gets me a little concerned. If this
project is dead, i would better start my own project, based on one or
another already crafted editor, adapting it to my needs. I really
don't know if i would succeed...
I would call this project dead for the moment. I don't know if Alex or
Christopher are going to do something more for the project. But my IMHO
- nobody wants to reinvent the wheel - Eclipse WebTools project already
has much more than we have. But if you can do something useful that
extends Eclipse WebTools then I think anybody here will accept your
contribution to WDTE project.
I'm not planning to work on this project anymore. The reason is that I
simply don't use Eclipse that much anymore these days... it just sucks
too much on Mac, which is now my primary platform.

Should we declare this project officially dead on the web site? Another
one for the already miserable statistic of active/successful vs.
vaporware projects on SourceForge :-P

Christopher Lenz
/=/ cmlenz at gmx.de
