[wdte-devel] Cut and Paste problem with CSS Editor
Matt Brozowski
2004-02-03 16:08:45 UTC
Thanks for your work fixing the CRLFs Chris.... The original bug I was trying to fix was a problem I was having with cut and paste. I was attempting to paste some text into the style sheet from an HTML file I had been using and instead of getting the text I would get something that looked like a long sequence of java Object toStrings for DocumentCommands. I tracked it down to this problem apperently it only happens when you paste text with TABS in it.

I have attatched the patch.
Christopher Lenz
2004-02-04 09:39:10 UTC
Post by Matt Brozowski
Thanks for your work fixing the CRLFs Chris.... The original bug I was
trying to fix was a problem I was having with cut and paste.  I was
attempting to paste some text into the style sheet >from an HTML file
I had been using and instead of getting the text I would get something
that looked like a long sequence of java Object toStrings for
DocumentCommands.  I tracked it down to this problem apperently it
only happens when you paste text with TABS in it.
I have attatched the patch.
Very cool. There's been a bug report about this, but I couldn't figure
it out because I don't use tabs :-P

Patch applied.

Christopher Lenz
/=/ cmlenz at gmx.de
